When it comes to criminal law cases, an experienced and effective criminal defense attorney can mean the difference between a prison sentence and reduced or dismissed charges. At the Lindley Law Office, we provide dedicated representation for type of criminal charge, and we hold true to the presumption of innocence.
From minor misdemeanor charges in municipal court all the way up the chain of severity, at the Lindley Law Office a person accused of a criminal offense will receive zealous representation from the initial representation until the moment the case is concluded. If you have been accused of a crime, no matter how major the charges may be, it is important to contact an experienced criminal attorney who will make sure that your rights are protected.
Criminal practice areas include:
- Assault
- Burglary
- Domestic Assault
- Disorderly Conduct
- Felony Stealing/Larceny
- Drug Charges
- Expungment
- Fake ID
- Homicide
- Minor in Possession (MIP)
- Parole Violations
- Robbery
- Sex Crimes
- SATOP Judicial Review
- Trespassing
- Violation of Parole/Probation
- Weapons Charges